#22 – 3/18/1968

The challenge of discovering a sense of oneness with God and with man is often a matter of being able to communicate effectively.

Communion with God depends only upon our inward intent, for God knows our intimate heart’s desire and answers even our unspoken prayer.

Shall we then become very still; shall we cease to struggle; shall we know that God’s intimate Power is even now surging through every cell and tissue, every atom, to renew, to bless, and to bring newness of life.

By speaking words of Truth in terms of God’s loving Presence, our mind is freed from confusion and we develop an effective way to communicate, heart to heart and soul to soul with our highest good.

We are then still, and bless this moment of prayer in the fulness of our understanding. “I express God’s loving ideas and my heart is filled to overflowing.”

#21 – 3/16/1968

Dear Father-God, here is Your body-temple, bless it with Your Healing Life. Renew and restore it in every part with quickened, renewed, replenished at-one-ment, for Your Spirit of Wholeness is all that can heal. Thank you Father, for Your healing Power, working in and through me NOW.

Here is Your mind, in me, Father; fill it with Your Light. Endow it with Your Wisdom; shed Your radiance into every corner so that there is no darkness, so that the shadows are cast behind. Thank you, Father, for Your Light shining in my mind and healing me NOW.

Here are Your emotions. Fill them with Your Love and Peace. Strengthen with Your Spirit, for I would be calm and tranquil, and I would be in perfect control. Fill me with Your Power and Your Spirit, sustain me with Your fortitude.

Thank you, Father. In silent prayer, thank you for Your Spirit of upliftment and strengthening Power that is even now fulfilling this, my prayer.

#20 – 3/1/1968

Loving Father God, teach me gently to be still. With subtle Love, which I can only feel with the deepest sense of peace, in calm all-surrendering trust . . . . “I and the Father are one.”

Where do I find such Peace, such Faith and Love. With a mind that teems with contradictions, advice, painful evidences prodding at me from every direction, how can I think straight any more. Father, I have suddenly realized something . . I do not think You . . . I FEEL You. What a beautiful thought that is. I feel You as the very movement of life within this, Your Body Temple. This heart-beat now tells me its message, which I feel says “I am God’s pulsating rhythm that assures you of life.”

Now would I linger longer, that I may feel this way always, as in a dreamy sleep where all is well, comfortable and warm in the Love of Your Presence, Father. I feel I cannot ever leave this Presence now, so in conscious thought and feeling will it companion my every step from this second on.

God’s in His heaven in me, and All’s well with His world.

#19 – 2/2/1968

Bless you, dear one, from Unity in Yucaipa*

You are the place where God shines through. You are His eyes, His ears, His voice, His very Being.

As you relax and trust in God, His divine plan will unfold through you as you begin, right where you are, to let Him express true love, peace, joy and faith. Everything in life will begin to respond to your changed attitude. In your oneness with God you will have all that it takes to live successfully.

Right now, in this very moment, begin to shine, radiate and emanate His Christ Spirit. Do not fret about outer things, but relax and let His plan for you unfold. For His plan is always good and perfect. Trust God. “The Father is in me, and I am in the Father.”

Bless you, dear one, as you prayerfully, trustingly, and confidently relax and let God speak to you now, in prayerful meditation.

* Note, Unity in Yucaipa was the Unity church in Yucaipa, California.

#18 – 11/29/1967

There is no question about it, God’s will for His Son is healing and wholeness. Sickness has no part in the God plan. Whenever you turn to Him and acknowledge His miracle-working power, and yield to Him, His healing work begins immediately, although sometimes it may be a while before the healing comes to complete fruition.

It will come though – this is what we need to know, as your soul possesses the patience of God. This is not to be resigned or passive, but joyous and positive, and filled with expectancy. As long as you keep quietly but positively patient during your waiting period, the Spirit indwelling will reveal its blessing in full and generous amount.

Be patient, dear one, calm in the knowing that God’s Healing Spirit is the only activity at work in you, and that all is well.

Bless you, dear one, in this prayerful scripture, “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.”

From Unity of Yucaipa*, our blessings sustain you, our love enfolds you, and this message goes forth to bless you.

* Note, Unity of Yucaipa was the Unity church in Yucaipa, California.

#17 – 8/2/1967

Blessed one, let us pray together in faith believing. Follow my words as you relax, let go, and let the full movement of Spirit take you into prayer.

Father God, I seek Your Peace now in the quiet of prayer. I accept Your Peace by giving all of myself to You willingly. I accept this peace Father so as to change myself and my life with Your help, so that there is no room for fear or anxiety.

My heart is open to the love and peace that only You can give. I promise to be still, to be harmonious, considerate and thoughtful in all my relationships with others, as with Your Presence close to my thoughts and actions, a Power of Peace will invade my world.

Thank you, Father, for this Infinite Peace, this Perfect Love, this which is Your Spirit indwelling, Your Presence infolding, Your very Life expressing.

We bless you, dear one, as we pray with you now, in faith believing that our prayers are already answered.

#16 – 7/28/1967

Dear one: In Luke 17:21 are the words “The kingdom of God is within you.” Let us then believe this without a doubt in our hearts.

“Be still and know that I am God.” Be still in body, mind, thoughts, desires. Be still, and in the deepest sense of your thinking acknowledge and acquaint you self with the full activity of Spirit, with the close inter-relationship of God’s intimate Presence with you right now – the Presence that is “closer to you than breathing, nearer than hands and feet. For the Spirit moves and acts through these very faculties. Nearer than your breathing, for the God-Presence is the very breath you breathe.

Think and feel and know, and be the perfect image of God, for in every function, in every movement of your body, that is, in Truth, the real you.

Do not be disturbed, dear one, be not anxious, be not afraid; for the God Presence with you loves you dearly as the perfect image of Itself.

#15 – 5/11/1967

Blessed one: Close your eyes for one moment and relax, and think if these words:

The loving Presence of God is with me now, within me and around me. I am completely immersed in the loving Presence of God, so I have no fear.

His omnipresent Wisdom illumines my consciousness. His perfect Idea guides me every step of the way. His omnipresent Life fills every cell of my body with radiant, vital health. His harmonizing Love ever enfold my world and constantly maintains perfect order in all my affairs.

I am filled and surrounded with the protecting Light, the strengthening Joy, the healing Peace of God. Thank you, Father, for this which I know to be you, mighty in the midst of me.

I now relax and quietly join in silent prayer with the loving ministry of Unity of Yucaipa*, as we sustain the one thought – “Thou only, Father. Thy will be done.”

* Note, Unity of Yucaipa was the Unity church in Yucaipa, California.

#14 – 4/30/1967

Dear one, pause for a few moments and be completely quiet and still. Turn within, and in an attitude of love and thankfulness, recognize that you are in the Presence of God, our Father.

Here, within the heart of Life, find a quietness and peace, a poise and tranquility that will bear you up and keep you steady throughout any challenge or experience.

Moment by moment, keep poised and centered in God. Know that His help can accomplish all things through your conscious recognition of His Presence in you in every cell, nerve, atom, tissue of your being.

Bless you, dear one, as God’s Presence of Peace enfolds and keeps you perfectly balanced.

From Unity of Yucaipa* we are privileged to pray with you and rejoice in answered prayer.

* Note, Unity of Yucaipa was the Unity church in Yucaipa, California.

#13 – 4/28/1967

Dear one: Whatever is before you, whatever you wish to accomplish, pray in faith for a greater realization of strength, power and ability to accomplish that which lies before you.

In all things prayer is the first step. Through faith-filled prayer we raise our thought and spirit to the highest capability. We are open and receptive to the right plan of action.

Faith generates in mind and heart the impetus that carries our prayer to fulfillment and completion. Faith that God will not fail us nor forsake us, but will support and remain strong throughout.

Even though we cannot see the way in some situations, we take one step at a time, in faith, and find that the way becomes light before us, that it becomes easy and successful.

All things are possible to those who stay close to God in prayer, so let us pray at this moment in faith that God will not fail us nor forsake this prayer, but will reveal the perfect solution and answer.

Bless you.