#20 – 3/1/1968

Loving Father God, teach me gently to be still. With subtle Love, which I can only feel with the deepest sense of peace, in calm all-surrendering trust . . . . “I and the Father are one.”

Where do I find such Peace, such Faith and Love. With a mind that teems with contradictions, advice, painful evidences prodding at me from every direction, how can I think straight any more. Father, I have suddenly realized something . . I do not think You . . . I FEEL You. What a beautiful thought that is. I feel You as the very movement of life within this, Your Body Temple. This heart-beat now tells me its message, which I feel says “I am God’s pulsating rhythm that assures you of life.”

Now would I linger longer, that I may feel this way always, as in a dreamy sleep where all is well, comfortable and warm in the Love of Your Presence, Father. I feel I cannot ever leave this Presence now, so in conscious thought and feeling will it companion my every step from this second on.

God’s in His heaven in me, and All’s well with His world.