#29 – 8/1/1968

Through the powerful and all communicating medium of prayer this ministry enjoins you with confident understanding . . . in that we are One in Spirit and the Very Presence of God.

Where you now are abides the Full Presence of the Almighty. Indwelling you there is a spirit of Pure Being, the Christ in you, your hope of glory. We behold the Christ in you . . . as this ministry, merged with all prayer activity throughout the world, maintain a vigil that affirms the living expression of a Radiant Son, stepping forth into newness of Life, according to God’s High Purpose.

We rejoice with you, as even now the Spirit is quickened within you into vibrant realization of Harmony, Love, Perfection and Joy. Affirm this with us, dear one:

“In stillness I feel the Presence of God moving in and through me, as vibrant Life, Love, Harmony and Joy. I am one with Perfection NOW.”

Bless you NOW, as we sustain this prayer-thought in faith believing.

And it shall be so . . . in Christ.