#25 – 4/18/1968

Blessed one, the highest form of prayer is praise and thanksgiving. Shall we then in quiet and in loving thought send forth our praise.

Father, I lift my heart in prayer, in gratitude for the good that is mine, for the countless blessings that have come to me to make my life full and rich. I give thanks for health, for the perfection of mind and body that is mine for Your ever-renewing Life that flows in and through me to strengthen me, to keep this, You Body Temple, whole and perfect.

Father, I am grateful for your bountiful substance constantly pouring forth to meet my every need. I am thankful for the work that keeps me busy and happy, for the supply that is mine to use in the fulfilling needs of my life and of my affairs, for the satisfaction that is mine as I wisely use the good that is bestowed upon me.

Father, I am grateful for the blessings of joy and happiness that fill my life and heart as I realize that You are mighty in the midst of me, as the very breath I breathe, as the very thoughts I think, as the very movement I now feel, as with Unity Prayer Ministry I am still and pray in the silence of my own God Self.