#12 – 4/8/1967

Dear One – Let us not waste one moment, one small second of this time. Let us fill it to the very brim with the Essence of Life, Love and Goodness. Let our prayer be:

Father, I still my body, I still my mind, I still my thoughts. In the living silence of deep communion I touch Your Eternal Presence; I listen with a mind open and receptive; I receive the true blessing of Oneness with You. Fill my ears with the harmony of Your voice; let my eyes behold the Light of Your Glory; and fill my heart with warmth and Love, for that Love, I know, will heal all things.

“I am God and there is none else” are the words of Isa. 45:22. Then be still, listen, feel, and accept the very Presence of God that, even now, fills your being.

From Unity of Yucaipa*, we bless you and we acknowledge in this very instant, God in all His Glory has touched your being.

Bless You!

* Note, Unity of Yucaipa was the Unity church in Yucaipa, California.