#8 – 3/18/1967

Blessed one – relax and think of this prayer:

Father-God, I turn to You now in prayer. I still my body, I still my mind, I still these thoughts that You have lovingly placed within me. In the living silence of this deep communion I touch Your Eternal Presence.

I know, Father, that You are the One Power, the One Presence, the One True God in all the universe. You are in me, and the Power through which I live and move and have my being. Thank You, Father, as I acknowledge this Truth, and as I fill my being with You as the very Essence of Life.

I fill my life with the Peace of Your Presence. I open my eyes and behold, there You are, surrounding me, blessing me, loving me.

Thank you, Father, for I know in the words of Isaiah 45:22 “I am God, there is none else.”