#16 – 7/28/1967

Dear one: In Luke 17:21 are the words “The kingdom of God is within you.” Let us then believe this without a doubt in our hearts.

“Be still and know that I am God.” Be still in body, mind, thoughts, desires. Be still, and in the deepest sense of your thinking acknowledge and acquaint you self with the full activity of Spirit, with the close inter-relationship of God’s intimate Presence with you right now – the Presence that is “closer to you than breathing, nearer than hands and feet. For the Spirit moves and acts through these very faculties. Nearer than your breathing, for the God-Presence is the very breath you breathe.

Think and feel and know, and be the perfect image of God, for in every function, in every movement of your body, that is, in Truth, the real you.

Do not be disturbed, dear one, be not anxious, be not afraid; for the God Presence with you loves you dearly as the perfect image of Itself.