Emma Curtis Hopkins Publications
Click here to download a free .pdf of Emma Curtis Hopkins' Sunday Bible Lesson for April 2, 1893.
Emma Curtis Hopkins Publications
Click here to download a free .pdf of Emma Curtis Hopkins' Sunday Bible Lesson for April 2, 1893.
Publications on CD:
Sunday Bible Lessons CD's
The Gospel Series in Spiritual Science
Major Manuscripts:
Judgment Series in Spiritual Science
Esoteric Philosophy in Spiritual Science
Understanding the Scriptures
Lessons From the Notebook
Self Treatment
Twelve Jewels of Christ Character
Center Activities
Bible Interpretations from the Book of Job
Studies in High Mysticism
Lessons in Christian Science
Minor Manuscripts
How to Attain Your Good
God is Exalted
According to Thy Faith
Behold The Light
All is in Divine Order
The Resurrection
Ministry of the Holy Mother
Twelve Powers of the Soul
Radiant I AM
Check out Emma Curtis Hopkins'
works available in PDF!
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on the Order & Ship page.
Publications on CD $10.00 each:
Sunday Bible Lessons Volume I, July 5, 1891 - June 25, 1893
Sunday Bible Lessons Volume II, July 2, 1893 - December 31, 1894
("Genesis Series 1894" is now included in Vol II)
Sunday Bible Lessons Volume III - January 13, 1895 - Dec. 27, 1896
Click here to read Emma's reviews on the lessons
We have discovered in various Archives many more of the Sunday Lessons, Bible Interpretations, and articles in various magazines by Emma Curtis Hopkins. It appears there may be as many as twenty-seven series of Twelve to Thirteen Lessons, the Thirteenth being the Review of the previous Twelve.
In order to get these to you in the easiest and most cost effective format we have chosen to produce them as a readable Book-on-CD that can be viewed on your computer. Included are all the lessons in Adobe .pdf format to view on an e-reader, print yourself, or have printed at a local duplicating store. Therefore these lessons are NOT copyrighted.
The Gospel Series in Spiritual Science
In an effort to date these writings, in our opinion they are later lessons although some reflect earlier works. It is noted in Lesson Two of these Gospel Series that Emma Curtis Hopkins speaks of experiencing the death of loved ones.
Emma's son passed on in 1905, her father (1910), her mother (1920), and sister Ida (1921). Then she herself experienced a heart attack in 1923 in which she refers to in a letter to Mabel Luhan.
These Lessons also seem to reflect a more personal vein, for Emma uses the “I” more than when actually instructing students in some of her other works.
Books prices as marked:
You will no longer have to pay $250.00 for a copy of Résumé as seen on the internet.
We have reprinted this study book, that belongs with High Mysticism & Studies in High Mysticism, from an original 1892 copy. It is available for only $12 in the 6x9 plastic comb style more suitable for class study. $12.00 (updated in 2010)
Studies in High Mysticism
We have produced High Mysticism from the original 1896 single chapter booklets first put out by Emma Curtis Hopkins. It is unedited, but with explanation of the obscure words she sometimes used, at the bottom of the page.Includes SEPERATE expanded Index and Addendum(6"x9").
Studies In High Mysticism. $20.00
PDF version $14.99
Those searching for copies of Class Lessons 1888 should obtain:
Lessons in Christian Science
From the Private Lessons of Emma Curtis Hopkins 1887-1891
These are again 12 Lessons, which are the precursor to a badly edited version put out as Class Lessons 1888. These manuscripts were gleaned from dated manuscripts, of 1887, in the INTA Archives and copies from National Libraries.
There were many editorial changes in the Editions published in 1976, as Class Lessons 1888, with 110 in just one chapter alone and 74 in another. Many of the changes altered the meaning of Emma’s intent, with deletions and additions.
The term Christian Science for the Mind Cure teachings in Emma's era had been in use since 1850 and was still generic when Emma founded her work in Chicago in 1886. Hence her use of the title for the lessons, which became more spiritually oriented under her tutelage. $25.00 (updated in 2010)
PDF version $14.99
Major Manuscripts $15.00 each:
Judgment Series in Spiritual Science
This work appears to be Emma's platform notes so it is best used as a study work to get to what she might have expounded upon. $15.00 (updated in 2010)
PDF version $7.99
Rev. Rogers' Seminar Notes: Judgment Series and Student book with study questions are also available for $10.00 (updated in 2010) PDF version $4.99Esoteric Philosophy in Spiritual Science
This work is one of her latest as she takes you again to a higher level. This follows her program of taking all of her works, discussing the same point per chapter but each time at a higher level. Starting with Lessons in Christian Science, Scientific Christian Practice, Judgment Series, Studies in High Mysticism and Esoteric. $15.00 (updated in 2011)
PDF version $7.99Understanding the Scriptures
From the writings of Emma Cutis Hopkins originally compiled in 1940 and reprinted by the MINISTRY OF TRUTH INTERNATIONAL in 1982 .This was before so much of the present discoveries of Emma’s works. Our edition contains references to both High Mysticism and Studies in High Mysticism for those in possession of either. 8 ½ x 11 Manuscript format. $15.00 (updated in 2011)
PDF version $7.99
Manuscripts $6.00 - $10.00 each:
Lessons From the Notebook & Ordination Address
of Emma Curtis Hopkins dated December 10, 1890
We have been publishing Lessons from the Notebook for some time. But we have discovered that the Fifth Ordination Address given by Emma Curtis Hopkins on Dec 10th 1890, at her Theological Seminary, is almost identical except for some minor differences, and an addition at the end. This Address was found in the Christian Science magazine (organ of the Hopkins Metaphysical Association) of January 1891, and had also been reported in the Chicago Inter-Ocean newspaper during the previous month. Four years of these magazines are in the INTA Archives. This has given us the opportunity to bring to you these Notes together with the Ordination Address in the new booklet format. $6.00 (updated in 2010)Twelve Jewels of Christ Character
The Twelve Jewels of Revelation and their interpretation by Emma. With excerpts from Scientific Christian Mental Practice, High Mysticism, Studies in High Mysticism and Résumé. $10.00 (updated in 2011)
PDF version $4.99Center Activities
Notes on talks given to a student who contemplated establishing a Center in the field. With notes on talks given at a Center of Divine Ministry. $10.00 (updated in 2010)
PDF version $4.99Self Treatment
Twelve Lessons on the true value and practice of treatment for the Real Self. Now in booklet form $6.00 (updated in 2010)Bible Interpretations from the Book of Job
These Interpretations provide us with a relevant lesson for today in looking to God for our Good regardless of appearances. $10.00 (updated in 2010)
PDF version $4.99
# 88- Universal Energy
# 89- Strength From Confidence
# 90- The New Doctrine Brought Out
Minor Manuscripts: (updated in 2010)
How to Attain Your Good
"There used to be a teaching believed in by a certain class of thinkers. It was that there is a fine Substance pervading all the worlds of the universe. This Substance that is so fine, filling all the worlds of the universe. Was believed to will our own bodies also, and to fill all visible things, though itself was invisible. It was thought to be the formless Substance out of which all things whatsoever are made.
It can never be cognized by the senses. It is too fine to be seen or tasted or smelled or handled. It can only be cognized by the mind, and it can only be handled by the thoughts of the mind. Even finer than the thoughts of the mind must be that handled this substance. It must be the understanding power of mind which handles this Substance, if we would have perfect conditions in our life." $5.00God is Exalted
“I find that my mind is fed by the steadfast gaze I direct toward that Being which is beyond my idea. That which is beyond and out of the range of my thoughts is that which rules my thoughts. That then is God—the true God.” $5.00According to Thy Faith
"... what one believes makes up one's lot in life. It does not make any difference To Truth what one believes in: it makes a great difference to the believer. It is called faith when the mind is certain of Truth. It is called belief when the mind is fixed upon something which may or may not be true". $5.00Behold the Light
This talk given by Mrs. E.C. Hopkins at the opening of the Center of Divine Ministry, New York City November 1910, is a primer for all ministries to emulate.
“This Center of Divine Ministry was founded to wake your hidden Godhood to life and action. Its mission is to stir each attendant into flame with the mysterious spirituality that lies dormant in all people, till it radiates its helping beams to the sick, the ailing and discouraged, greeting all of us at every turn of our steps on our pathway of life. Its mission is to strengthen the hearts and minds of each congregation with courage and unquenchable buoyance, the two conquering attributes of men and of angels." $5.00All is in Divine Order
When Jesus at Cana took the six water pots and proved the lesson of the power of Spirit. “This lesson signifies that you are to take your rough circumstances, your bodily conditions, your human affairs, just as they are and holding them in your mind give thanks and bless the providing Jehovah that within them is the wine of peace and success and health.” $5.00
The Resurrection
In this booklet Emma Curtis Hopkins talks of the elixir of life, the all-pervading substance that Jesus knew how to use. "He showed that since the fine force that pervades the planets is itself consciousness, whoever breathes it by that process of believing in it suggested by Him must have life in all the manifestations fully energized in himself."
Charles Fillmore of Unity parallels these thoughts in a little booklet called "The Unreality of Matter". It was first produced in 1922 but is amazingly ahead of its time. $5.00Ministry of the Holy Mother
Gail Harley, in her book on Emma, tried to turn her into a feminist activist and this treatise was supposed to support her contention. But as you read it you will soon discover what she so obviously missed. Emma is turning back to Sophia (known to the Gnostics as The Great Mother - Goddess of Heaven) the Spiritual Mother of ancient times. Wisdom was an attribute, which was revered by the ancients.
"Because the buddhic principle brings forth the higher qualities in the souls which the Spirit allies with itself, therefore in the souls there arise dawnings, or intuitions, of the higher consciousness which is to come to the enlightened minds." Dictionary of all Scriptures and Myths by: G.A.Gaskell.
This treatise opens the gates to higher consciousness and a world of joy and contentment. $5.00Twelve Powers of the Soul
The following is excerpted from a lesson given by Emma Curtis Hopkins on November 18th 1894. It is found in Bible Interpretations Manuscript 2. It was first published by The Ministry of Truth International.
"What was that which was not born when you were born, has never been interested in anything you have done while you have been on this planet. and will not die when you lie down? This is the Jesus Christ in you. It is sometimes called the divine ego in you, sometimes called the divine soul of you, sometimes your deathless, changeless spirit." $5.00"Never the spirit was born,
the spirit shall cease to be never.
Changeless the spirit remains,
birthless and deathless forever."Radiant I AM
An excerpt:
"I have been a listening disciple. I have let people and objects and activities come toward me and impinge upon me till I have been over-piled and mountain-covered with thought. But now I know that I AM at my own center, authority over and through my universe, and I shall ordain my twelve disciples, or my twelve powers, to spread my original nature abroad till from me to the utmost stretches, all is my Divine Ego." $5.00
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