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Go to the Emma Curtis Hopkins Publications page for the free download

Although we do sell other authors publications; our goal is to reproduce the teachings of Emma Curtis Hopkins with the text itself unedited. Only by preserving the original text will her true intent be gleaned.

For a number of years these publications were produced by loving volunteers. Because of the increase in demand, we wanted to update our production process. We discovered that there were some errors and changes made in the previous transcribings.  So we went on the search for original manuscripts of Emma Curtis Hopkins writings, and managed to obtain most of them. 

Our main goal was to give you Emma’s writings in the truest form.  Through this process we are well on the way to doing that for you.

Our CD’s are not audio, but in text form. They can be viewed on your computer and also read on the popular e-readers. You can also easily print it on your personal printer as there is no copyright involved.

Actual profit from these sales went to The International New Thought Alliance Addington Archives and Research Center

Desert Church of the Learning Light / Learning Light Ministries

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